The Small Business Office Automation Guide

The Small Business Office Automation Guide

Save time and money by automating administrative workIn the not-so-distant past, offices had rooms filled with files and staff members dedicated to organizing them. Employees entered customer information into systems or spreadsheets, one word at a time. They spent much of their days typing e-mail replies, calling customers about appointments, and chasing paperwork to be completed. Plenty of offices still operate this way.

The manual work may partially explain why entrepreneurs say they spend 68 percent of their time managing daily tasks in their business instead of working on their business strategy and goals, according to a survey from The Alternative Board, a membership organization for business owners. But at the most successful small businesses, employees don’t do these tasks—not manually, anyway.

Instead, they automate the office, relying on software like Infusionsoft to manage routine communication, data entry, documents, hiring, and more. When repetitive, tedious tasks are automated, employees have more time to focus on strategy and personal interactions: the kind of work best done by people, not software.

In this e-book, you’ll learn how to automate:

  • Routine communication
  • Administrative tasks like data entry, billing, and paperwork
  • Appointment scheduling and follow up
  • Employee hiring and training